Document Creation
Document Creation, Document Creation

HTM Files

HTM files represent the body of the document. DynaDoc takes the information within the HTM files as directed by the script file, and puts them into a template to make everything look nice for the website.

.htm is used for input source files, and DynaDoc will convert the output file name automatically to .html.

HTML is a markup language, and usually uses an opening sequence and closing sequence of unique characters to tell a browser how to display text. We'll only cover a few basic HTML tags here. If you'd like to know more HTML tags to improve the appearance of your documents, try W3Schools HTML Tutorial.

  • Headers: A Header makes text larger and automatically gives a bit of space under it. Headers shouldn't be used to enlarge text for general use, instead use them for page titles and sub-sections. A smaller header number is larger.
    • Example: <h1>Writing HTML</h1> or <h3>Writing HTML</h3> for a smaller version.
  • Paragraphs: Paragraph tags format text properly so that it wraps correctly on all displays. Generally if a text has no other formatting tags on it, it should be wrapped in paragraph tags to ensure proper formatting with Dynadoc.
    • Example: <p>I'm a paragraph! Use me for good formatting!</p>
  • Bold and Italics: Old favorites.
    • <b>I'm Bold!</b> and <i>I'm Italic!</i>
  • Web Links: Clicking on the text in one of these will take the viewer to the webpage you define.
    • Example: <a href="">VideoRay</a>
    • Here's an example of an internal link. This link would take a user to this page.
      <a href="../../document_creation/html/content_html.html">VideoRay</a>
  • Images: Images will be discussed in more detail in the Images Section.
  • Lists, Ordered and Unordered: Making a list involves a slightly more complicated tag. Ordered lists will number every entry in them automatically, while unordered lists will display bullet points. We're actually in an unordered list right now!
    • Example: An unordered list
              <li>I'm the first bullet point!</li>
              <li>I'm another bullet point!</li>
              <li>I'm the last bullet point!</li>
    • Example: An ordered list
              <li>I'll be numbered 1!</li>
              <li>I'll be numbered 2!</li>
              <li>I'll be numbered 3!</li>

There are many more HTML tags, but these should get you started.

Recommended HTML Conventions

All tags should be in lower case.

All <h>, <p>, <ul>, etc. tags should begin on a new line.

<li> and </ul> tags should also begin on a new line and be indented two spaces for each level.

Heading order is <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <b>

When referencing local images, the following format should be used. ../../projectName/images/imageName.

When referencing local links, the following format should be used. ../../projectName/html/htmlName.

Document Path: Document Creation Manual > Content Creation > HTM