Camera Sub-menu: DAY & NIGHT
D&N Mode
Day & Night Mode
The Day & Night Mode sets whether the camera image is color, black and white, or the camera automatically switches between these two modes depending upon the lighting situation. When the Day & Night Mode is set to Auto, the image will be color unless the light decreases below a threshold. The camera will switch to black and white when the light decreases below the threshold. The camera will switch to color when the light increases above the threshold.
- COLOR - Set the image to color.
- B/W - Set the image to black and white.
- AUTO - Allow the camera to select color or black and white depending upon the lighting situation.
- EXT - Use an external input for Day & Night Mode control. This mode is not recommended for the Pro 4.
For use with an external photocell. This mode is not available for the Pro 4.
For use with an external photocell. This mode is not available for the Pro 4.
Reset this sub-menu to the factory default state. VideoRay uses optimized camera menu settings and the factory default settings should not be used. If you want to reset this sub-menu to the VideoRay optimized settings, use the recommended settings described for this sub-menu.
Return to the main menu.