Camera->SPECIAL Sub-menu: MOTION DET
Set the Motion Detection feature On or Off. When motion is detected, the camera will flash a white square in the area where the motion is detected. See the DISPLAY sub-menu for information on how to display the motion indicator once it has been set to On.
- ON - Set the Motion Detection feature On.
- OFF - Set the Motion Detection feature Off.
Set the Motion Detection Zone. The Motion Detection Zone is an area of the image where motion is to be detected.
- TOP - Set the Motion Detection Zone to the top 1/3 of the image.
- BOTTOM - Set the Motion Detection Zone to the bottom 1/3 of the image.
- CENTER - Set the Motion Detection Zone to the central area of the image.
- LEFT - Set the Motion Detection Zone to the mid-left area of the image.
- RIGHT - Set the Motion Detection Zone to the mid-right area of the image.
- WHOLE - Set the Motion Detection Zone to the whole image.
Set the sensitivity of the Motion Detection. Lower numbers will be less sensitive to motion and it will take more motion to trigger the detection.
Reset this sub-menu to the factory default state. VideoRay uses optimized camera menu settings and the factory default settings should not be used. If you want to reset this sub-menu to the VideoRay optimized settings, use the recommended settings described for this sub-menu.
Return to the Special sub-menu.